Friday, December 4, 2015

In Commemoration Of The Latest Attack

                                                    AMERICAN JIHAD
September 11, 2001

By thousands kill’d
Our hearts were fill’d
With sufferings and terror
As mad-eye’d men
In depths of sin
Sought “Heaven’s Virgins” for their murder.
And murderers more
In countless store
Cheer’d on their evil in the name
Of Allah and Mohammed’s fame
As though all one—the very same.

You who live in filth of loathsome lair,
Who teach your children that evil’s fair,
Who kill for marriages (insane) in Heaven
(Aye, seventy-two of them);
You who treat your mothers as things unclean,
And likewise your own sisters, lovers, deem—
Will you in Heaven hide their faces?
Will you in Heaven beat them with metal braces?
Will you in Heaven treat them as things,
While you, with Allah, do sup like kings?
O, Evil Eye of stupid mind
To think by evil you’ll Heaven find!

O weep mankind I pray
The “Moslem” Nazis are on their way,
They starve for cruel death,
Would steal the infant’s breath;
They’re not afraid to die
They’ve nothing left to live for
Except to court the Virgins of War
And murder innocence thereby.

Shaheeds, I swear, would rather die
Were there no Allah nor a holy sky.
What’s there for them to loose thereby?
For they have naught,
By none are sought,
Save but to serve, as faggots for the fire:
Death feeding Death: their Master’s desire.

O, ye good Muslims who honor God
Why turn your eyes unto the sod
When Evil stands in front of you?
Much will you come, I prophesize, to rue
That Evil in the midst of you,
If you these horrors sanction
And silently won’t mention
Depravity’s Ascension.

O, “Christians” too, I know
Have hidden evil in religious show
Who can forget the “Christian Nazis,”
Those feasters on Insanities.

Is Mohammed no more?
Bin Laden reigns instead?
The one forbid offensive war,
The other murders innocents abed!
Aye, even moderates proclaim
Jews have no right to live (the same
As they, whom Allah Himself has made).
Into fanatic’s hands you’ve play’d
If murder of “Jew!”
Is Allah’s Due
To you.
First, though,
You know

The evils of others
Do not our own excuse.
All men are brothers,
But monsters feed on murders to amuse.
Bin Laden says the world is split in two
The Faithful, the Infidel,
With Jihad’s call he would fools woo,
In truth he’d send us all into his Hell.
The Faithful and the Infidel:
To him the same,
To murder in the name
of Allah.
Death his food, blood his drink,
All the world in flame he’d sink.
A Moslem cleric did say it best
(Who knows the sins of East and West)
Who was not afraid the truth to tell
“The terrorists have sold their minds unto the Devil”

O hear!
Our dead they cheer,
Our pain they jeer,
They celebrate in Palestine.
For all the world they would have hear:
“Israel is ours and never thine:
Do this all
For Allah.
O, poor Afghanistan,
You sold your mind to the Teleban.
And Muslim nations who do abjure
The horrors of evil that do now appear,
Listen, you yourselves are his most wanted Victims:

Muslims prospering in Allah-given freedoms,
Who look upon their mothers, sisters, lover’s faces
And see that Allah their Beauty graces
More beautifully than any sight to see,
Save Heaven’s throne of Majesty.
Ah, nothing ‘s so hateful to the Evil Ones,
Than that Love prosper among Mohammedans,
Jews, Buddhists, Christians,
And, all of those as well,
Who are not yet Mohammedans
nor yet Infidel.

by Eric Miller, Oct. 23, 2001

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